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Claudia Allen, Director of Advancement
(410) 618-5633
Ellie Benedict, Development Specialist
(410) 618-5725

Our Donors

Community involvement is what sustains our ability to keep hundreds of program activities free and accessible to all.

Maryland Humanities can’t be community-led if we’re not community-backed, so we’d like to thank our committed donors. This list reflects gifts and pledges received between November 1, 2022 and October 31, 2023.

Want to see your name listed in future?

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Bruce Adams
Donald Adams
AES Corporation
Carl & Sandra Ahlers
Anita Aidt
Christopher Allan
Andrews Federal Credit Union
Laura Apelbaum
Barry & Rhonda Applebaum
Karen & Gary Arnold
Anne Asher
John & Amelia B. Atanat
Lia Ozizmirli
Alexander Baer
Baltimore Community Foundation 
Baltimore County Commission on the Arts & Sciences
Baltimore Office of Promotion & The Arts 
Banneker-Douglass Museum Foundation
William Barry
Howell Baum
Mary Berens
Amy Bernstein
Mindy Berry
Catharine Black
Mary Blair
David Bogen
Bonfire Funds, Inc.
Helen Bowlus
Howard & Elizabeth Bradley
Grace Brady
Ronald & Martha E. Brown
Brown Advisory
Hillary Burchuk
Louis & Eva Caldera
Constance Caplan
Jamie Caplis
Mollie Caplis
Scott Casper
Myron & Nina M. Chace
Wilsonia Cherry
Harvelt Chery
Tahira Christmon
Paula Cleggett
Cynthia Cobleigh
Bonny Cochran
Margaret & John G. Combs
Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore
Patricia Crane
Jennifer Cupp
Cornelius Darcy
Marie Dean
Julie Dellinger
Judy Dobbs
Andrew & Mary Elizabeth Dowdell
Larry & Jane Droppa
Joan Dunn
Kathryn Ehmann
Mary Ellen
Dina Epshteyn
Amy & Joseph Federman
Abram Fox
Ruth Frey
Friends of the Hamilton Branch Library, Inc.
Frostburg State University
Joseph Furey
Stanley Gabor
Clare Garrett
George Washington’s Mount Vernon
Rachael Gibson
Ann Giroux
Tom Graf
Michael & Phyllis Greene
Harford County Government
Joseph Harris
Elisa Hartman
Aaron Heinsman
Elissa Hellman
Maria Heyssel
John & Marcella A. Hickey
Cecily Hill
Douglas & Nila S. Hill
Michael & Debra Holt
Johns Hopkins
Howard County Library System
Elizabeth Hughes
Reed & Kathleen Hutner
Lisa & Michael Jablonover
Lindsay Jacks
Michael & Susan S. Johnston
Darryl & Mary Jurkiewicz
Elizabeth Karukas
Edward Kasemeyer
Janice Keene
Leonard & Cathy L. Keifer
Joseph & Mary Kempf
Hyndel Kempler
Thomas Kettler
Barbara Klein
Soo Koo
Hans & Linda Burnett Krimm
Barry Lanman
Phyllis Lansing
Julian & Linda F. Lapides
Judi Latta
Hugh Lee
Betty Leonard
Ronald Lesher
Mavis Lewis
Lawrence Lubetsky
Jacquelyn Lucy
Amy Macht
Diane Macklin
Edythe Manza
Babette Margolies
Maryland Center for History & Culture 
Maryland Charity Campaign 
The Maryland Commission on African American History & Culture
Maryland Department of Commerce 
Maryland State Department of Education 
Maryland Women’s Heritage Center
Albert Matricciani
Nicholas & Amie McDaniels
Douglas & Susan McElrath
Alicia McLeod
Priscilla Mills
Julia Misplon
Heather Mitchell
Kathleen Mitchell
Kimberly Moffitt
Thomas & Carol T. Moran
George Murnaghan
National Cryptologic Foundation
National History Day
Network for Good 
Nora Roberts Foundation
Ronald Nowaczyk
Judith O’Sullivan
Randy Ontiveros
John Owen
Gail Owings
Gia Paige
Alecia Parker
Stuart Parnes
J. Patrick
Margery Patten
Jeanne Pirtle
PNC Foundation
Nancy Proctor
Katie Pumphrey
Cynthia Raposo
Joseph & Patricia A. Reidy
George Reynolds
Rina Rhyne
Carmel Roques
Heather Rosenbloom
William & Eleanor F. Ryan
Tamar Sarnoff
Joseph Schechter
Donna Schneider
Paul Shackel
Jennifer Shea
Robert Sheehan
Mary & Robert Shull
Kristine Sieloff
Theresa Silanskis
Marjorie Simon
Saima Sitwat
Andrea Smith
John Sondheim
Sandra Sparks
Nancy Speicher
Mildred & Robert E. Steinke
Marshall Stevenson
Keith Stone
Anne Sturm
Stephen & Laura Sutton
Heather Thomas
Joseph Thompson
Tower Cares Foundation
Charlotte Traver
David & Barbara R. Treasure
Louis & Mary R. Triandafilou
United Way of Central Maryland
Curtis A. & Ruth A. D. Utz
Rebecca Vangilder
Venable Foundation, Inc.
Joyce Viertel
Gary & Siyroush S. Visscher
Joseph Wagner
Susie Walczak
Stephen & Mary Walter
Rob & Marilyn Weissman
Sarah Weissman
Patricia Welch
Wesbanco Bank, Inc.
White House Historical Association
Gregg Wilhelm
William G. Baker, Jr. Memorial Fund
Anne & Leo Wise
Sara Woodall
Lydia Woods
Allyson Woodson
Abby Wright
Steven Ziger

  • “[Lifelong learning] means that we are forever students, constantly discovering, researching, exploring, and challenging ourselves.”

    ​Maryland Humanities survey participant
  • “[Humanities] are the gateway to our souls, and to understanding each other. They enable us to avoid repeating our mistakes, and are a tool for teaching compassion.”

    ​​Maryland Humanities survey participant
  • Humanities help everyone learn about common and universal themes from diverse groups of people. They can help build peace and understanding in the world.

    ​Maryland Humanities survey participant
  • “Humanities are stories of human endeavor. They are at the root of who we are as human beings. The humanities matter because the better we understand and appreciate each other’s cultural and creative foundations the stronger we all become. We then have the ability to work together to solve the problems we all face.”

    ​Maryland Humanities survey participant
  • Humanities matter because humanity matters. The best thoughts, the highest questions, the most profound actions of courage and sacrifice are found in written accounts, art, and creative expressions throughout the ages. To study the humanities is to study oneself in a way that develops cultural literacy, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence.

    ​Maryland Humanities survey participant
  • “[The humanities] provide us with tools and perspectives to analyze and interpret social phenomena with different lenses; they open up perspectives we may not have thought about and help us look at issues in more empathic ways.”

    ​Maryland Humanities survey participant
  • “[The humanities] are what allow us to see the beauty of the world. I often think that humans are the only species that can reflect on how beautiful the world is, can step back and take intense delight in the sounds and colors of it all, can record not only the world but our reactions to it. The humanities matter because beauty matters.”

    ​Maryland Humanities survey participant
  • “Lifelong learning is a philosophy, practice, and lifestyle that I’ve long advocated for in both my professional and personal lives. In the rapid pace, constantly changing, technological, social, and cultural environments we find ourselves in, a continuous adjustment to change is necessary. Lifelong learning is essential to understanding where we’ve been, where we are, and where we want to go, both as individuals and as a society.”

    ​Maryland Humanities survey participant
  • “Lifelong learning is continuing to read, listen, learn, share ideas, discuss, and be enlightened by the great ideas and events of the human experience during the course of an entire life.”

    ​Maryland Humanities survey participant
  • “The humanities allow us to learn about lives and experiences that are different than our own through compelling and engrossing experiences.”

    ​Maryland Humanities survey participant
  • “Humanities are the core of everything. You cannot be a good scientist or computer programmer, if you cannot communicate clearly with others and understand others. Humanities studies and scholarships are the essential element in learning how to relate to each other AND how to better communicate with one another.”

    ​Maryland Humanities survey participant
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