Maryland History Day Students and Teachers Honored at State House on January 30
(Annapolis) – Maryland Humanities is proud to announce that eight outstanding Maryland middle and high school students and two Maryland History Day teachers who received national honors at the annual National History Day competition were awarded commendations at sessions of the Maryland Senate and House of Delegates on Monday, January 30, 2017.

Each student won awards at the 2016 Maryland History Day competition, as well as honors at the National History Day contest. Maryland History Day, coordinated since 1999 by Maryland Humanities, is an engaging, yearlong educational program in which students showcase their historical research through research papers, performances, exhibits, documentaries, and websites. Over 27,000 middle and high school students from 18 counties and Baltimore City participate in the History Day program. Maryland History Day is open to Maryland public, private, parochial, and homeschool students in grades 6 through 12. The national competition is held each year at the University of Maryland, College Park and involves over 3,500 students from 50 states plus the District of Columbia, Guam, American Samoa and international schools in China, Korea, and South Asia.
This year’s Maryland History Day state competition will take place on Saturday, April 29 at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and will involve over 650 students and200 judges from throughout the state.
Support for Maryland History Day is provided by the State of Maryland through the Maryland State Department of Education, the Alvin and Fanny B. Thalheimer Foundation, Helen Pumphrey Denit Charitable Trust, Columbia Gas of Maryland, Kinder Morgan Foundation, and Wegmans, with additional support from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Maryland Humanities is a statewide nonprofit organization that creates and supports educational experiences in the humanities that inspire all Marylanders to embrace lifelong learning, exchange ideas openly, and enrich their communities. For more information, visit