BONUS PODCAST: Putting the “human” in Maryland Humanities
Eye on Annapolis, January 26, 2021
by John Frenaye
“Humanity has always been a vague word for me. College classes in humanities…what were they all about anyhow? Today, I find out with a conversation with Lindsey Baker who is the Executive Director of Maryland Humanities.
We covered a lot of ground from the One Maryland One Book program (for readers) to the Museums on Main Street program (for history lovers) to a new program Voices & Votes Electoral Engagement Project which includes an oral history of the electoral process this year!
There was so much more including the grants they make to small non-profits across Maryland, how they receive their funding, how they coped during COVID-19, and how you can becoe involved and support Maryland Humanities!
In light of today’s divisiveness, their mission seems a bit apropos. It reads in part:
… to embrace lifelong learning, exchange ideas openly, and enrich their communities.
And we could all use a bit more of that!