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In the Stacks produces classical music concerts in the George Peabody Library, with programming inspired by the library’s contents and history.  Horn player Sam Bessen, Founder and Artistic Director of In the Stacks, writes about the history of the library's Neoclassical style and the connection between Neoclassical architects and musicians.
July 26, 2019
Alma Jordan is the Chair of the History and Research Committee of the Unified Committee for Afro-American Contributions (UCAC) in St. Mary’s County. She writes about the Drayden African American Schoolhouse. The segregated schoolhouse, in use through the 1940s, has been preserved and recently renovated as a historic site. Jordan’s grandfather was the first teacher when the school opened. Special thanks to Andrew Ponti, Marketing Manager at St. Mary’s County Museum Division, for his assistance in coordinating this post.
May 28, 2019
Suzy Wolffe, Manager of Tour Experiences at Baltimore Museum of Art, has organized tours of the Monsters & Myths: Surrealism and War in the 1930s and 1940 exhibit with Marine Corps veteran Hans Palmer. Anne Brown, Senior Director of Communications at the Baltimore Museum of Art, interviewed Wolffe about her experience and the exhibition.
May 14, 2019
Lesley Malin, performer and Managing Director at Chesapeake Shakespeare Company, shares a personal reflection on her own past, The Diary of Anne Frank, and related programming throughout the community, called "Spring of Remembrance". Malin learned that the overlapping subject matter planned by other Baltimore organizations was coincidental.
April 3, 2019
Chris Stewart will begin as our Program Officer for Maryland History Day, Chautauqua, and the Veterans Oral History Project. Learn about our new team member.
March 11, 2019