Online Literary Journal for Healthcare Narratives Out of State Grant Award: $7,750 Please See Me ( is an online literary journal that features health-related stories told through poetry, short stories,…

…ones we found that included unusual, outlier kids painted them as characters who learned, over time, to become more typical. The story arc was always one of a character who…

…so. We also share information about the Maryland History Day contest winners with the National History Day program in order to allow winners to proceed to the national competition. Parental

…This funding allows programs like Maryland History Day to provide professional development to teachers on how to use online Library of Congress sources. After attending both online and in-person trainings…

Posted on by Maryland Humanities

…System Portrait – View of the Sun, Earth and Venus. February 14, 1990. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Planetary Image Archive, Accessed January 23, 2017. [3] Sagan, Carl. The…

Posted on by Maryland Humanities

…wasn’t safe, that, indeed, it was so corrosive General Motors had received a special waiver to draw its water from the original source, so as to keep the Flint water…

Posted on by Sarah Weissman

…cite a source. Sample National History Day Questions to ask on AskUsNow! Where can I find reliable primary sources for my 7th grade, National History Day topic on the Apollo…

Posted on by Maryland Humanities

along. Now that we are in the second decade of the 21st century, all of that is changing and this transformation is happening quickly. Online providers (public and commercial) are…

…confidence in the media. We invited Maryland students taking formal writing or journalism courses or working for their school newspaper to examine a contemporary ethical dilemma in professional journalism and…

…Pratt Central Library Digital Public Library of America The New York Public Library Digital Collections National Library of Medicine Sources + Citing Citations, Annotated Bibliography, and Process Paper National History…

  • “Maryland History Day challenged my daughter to go deeper, deeper in research analysis and presentation. It took her to a whole new level academically.”

    ​Maryland History Day parent
  • “The students are now far more prepared for the high level of scholarship and achievement that will be expected of them in future years. MHD also elevated many other skills too. These include public speaking, the use of technology, learning to collaborate.”

    ​Maryland History Day teacher
  • I’ve loved judging! It’s exciting to see the passion the middle schoolers have put in their projects. I hope that my critiques have helped strive for excellence throughout their lives.

    Dee Krasnansky, Maryland History Day Judge
  • “[The students] learned a variety of ways to present their material and they could focus on what they wanted to learn about. The students had a choice in their learning. It was about their learning NOT what someone else felt they need to learn.”

    ​Maryland History Day teacher
  • “My students became more competent researchers, and took ownership of their work. They had total free reign to choose their topic, direct their research, and create their final project.”

    ​Maryland History Day 2015 Teacher
  • “The part of History Day that had the most impact on me was seeing all the other entries and entry categories. It was really inspiring to see so many different people of history honored for their leadership and legacy as that was this years theme. You forget that the whole world has a history and there are so many different people and leaders who make up that history. The fact that this day brings together all of us students, our imaginations, our creativity, research skills, and history really reminds you how much of us would be lost if we didn’t remember those who made an impact.”

    ​Maryland History Day student participant
  • “The researching and communicating skills have made me a more confident person in all academic endeavors. These are skills that will last me a lifetime.”

    ​Maryland History Day student participant
  • “By using a variety of sources, I was able to get angles on my topic that I wasn’t able to before. Also, I learned so much about a topic near and dear to my heart that will enrich my learning later in life.”

    Maryland History Day 2015 Student
  • “History Day has taught men how to interpret and effective use primary sources in my writing to create and support claims. Now I am much more likely to explore databases, go to libraries, and explore further external sources for credible and effective sources.”

    Maryland History Day 2019 Student
  • “It provided an opportunity for my child to learn through experiential opportunities. He had interviews and tours that were relevant to his topic that helped the history come alive and create unforgettable memories.”

    Maryland History Day 2015 Parent
  • “The thing that had the most impact were the skills that I got from this project. I developed better hunting skills in terms of looking for reliable sources and I also learned to work hard and not procrastinate to achieve something great.”

    Maryland History Day student participant
  • “The excitement of the research was wonderful for my students’ academic progress. They now feel capable of doing any research paper that may be assigned in college!”

    Maryland History Day 2019 Teacher
  • “We were very impressed with the depth of research all the students did for their History Day projects. It was fun to see them interacting with each other during the competition and events.”

    Lori and Josh Skillman, History Day Parents
  • “[My son] became a real expert in his topic and, he says, developed a life-long love of history, especially the history of music. I cannot thank you enough for this rare and incredible opportunity.”

    Andrea LeWinter, parent of Maryland History Day participant
  • “I had never done anything like this before so it was a totally new experience to write a paper, be interviewed, and defend my positions. I now really know how to do research and it has improved my writing skills.”

    ​Maryland History Day student
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