2025 One Maryland One Book Selection Announced

March 19, 2025

Marylanders throughout the State Will Read Kin: Rooted in Hope by Carole Boston Weatherford; book includes art by her son Jeffery Boston Weatherford 


The book cover to “Kin: Rooted in Hope” by Carole Boston Weatherford, with art by Jeffery Boston Weatherford. The cover art is all purple with what appears to be a Black woman sketched/drawn in white with a tree behind her. The cover contains the seal for the Coretta Scott King Honor which includes the words “Peace,” “Nonviolent Social Change,” and “Brotherhood.”(Baltimore, MD) – Maryland Humanities is thrilled to announce Kin: Rooted in Hope by Carole Boston Weatherford as the 2025 One Maryland One Book Selection. The poetry collection from the Maryland author includes art by Jeffery Boston Weatherford.

A combination of history, art, and personal genealogy depicts the author’s search for her family tree, which leads her to ancestors who were some of Maryland’s founders. Through art and poetic voice, Carole and Jeffery Boston Weatherford impart their family’s lives and offer a view into Maryland’s African American history.

“Kin: Rooted in Hope is a family affair, a mother-son collaboration on a family saga dating back to colonial Maryland,” says Carole Boston Weatherford. “Kin conjures the past, reclaims lost ancestral narratives and brings us to the realization that knowing your history is generational wealth,” Weatherford continues. 

“As a Marylander, I am so proud that Kin‘s selection as the 2025 One Maryland One Book will further amplify our ancestors’ voices. Their story of bondage and freedom—a history shared by many African Americans—is the American story.”

A collage of Carole Boston Weatherford on one side and Jeffery Boston Weatherford on the other. Carole B is an older Black woman with shoulder-length kinky hair, the top of which is gray. She wears a red long-sleeved top and thick black-rimmed glasses. Jeffery is a young or middle-aged Black man. He wears a satiny white button-down shirt. The photo has him outside in front of a blue, cloudy sky. We see trees and grass faintly in the background.
Carole and Jeffery Boston Weatherford

The collection weaves the personas of the Weatherfords’ ancestors, from experiences on the Wye House Plantation in Talbot County through the Civil War and into the twentieth century.  Maryland locations feature prominently in the book, many the subject of their own poems, including the Chesapeake Bay, the port of Oxford, Fort McHenry, and the Wye River, where the Wye House plantation sits.

Kin: Rooted in Hope is a Coretta Scott King Honor Book and a Boston Globe-Horn Book Poetry Award Winner. A selection committee consisting of Maryland teachers, scholars, librarians, writers, booksellers, and community workers chose the book for One Maryland One Book under the theme of “What We Collect / What We Tell.” 

Maryland Humanities looks forward to staging programming that invites readers to explore histories of African Americans, of Maryland, and their families. Maryland Humanities will announce our 2025 Author Tour details this summer. A calendar of free public events, including our annual Author Tour and VIP Reception, will be available online. To keep up with this year’s One Maryland One Book you can follow us on all social media platforms @mdhumanites, sign up for our Literature eNewsletter, or with a monthly donation you can become a Humanities Hero and receive special OMOB perks.

“I couldn’t be more excited about Kin: Rooted in Hope as our 2025 One Maryland One Book pick.” says Lindsey Baker, CEO of Maryland Humanities. “This book does exactly what our theme asks of us — it pieces together history, memory, and loss to reclaim stories that deserve to be told. Carole Boston Weatherford and Jeffery Boston Weatherford don’t just bring the past to life; they remind us why it matters today. With deep Maryland roots, Kin is a powerful, moving, and necessary read, and I can’t wait for people across the state to experience it.”

Carole Boston Weatherford recently received the 2025 Children’s Literature Legacy Award from the American Library Association. She holds a Newberry Honor and Nonfiction Award from the Children’s Book Guild.

One Maryland One Book is a program of Maryland Center for the Book at Maryland Humanities, presented in partnership with The National Endowment for the Humanities and Howard County Library System. One Maryland One Book 2024 is sponsored by The Institute of Museum and Library Services via the Maryland State Library Agency, and other funders that may be announced later.

About Maryland Center for the Book
Through our Maryland Center for the Book program, Maryland Humanities created One Maryland One Book (OMOB) to bring together diverse people in communities across the state through the shared experience of reading the same book. We invite readers to participate in book-centered discussions and related programs at public libraries, high schools, colleges, museums, bookstores, and community and senior centers throughout the state. Connect with Maryland Center for the Book on Facebook.

Press Release